Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another 3 miles

Got up & walked again this morning with my pal, Leslie Sansone. Which is good. What is bad is I ate 1/2 a pan of butterscotch crunchies yesterday. Granted, it was a very small pan & they are one of my favorite foods (rice crispies, butterscotch chips & peanut butter), but still. Uggh!!! What a pig. Oh, is a new day.

I was reading the Message this morning (a paraphrase of the bible) & this was SO meant for me: 2 Corinthians somewhere in chapter 6 (the Message doesn't give verse #s) : "You know the old saying, 'First you eat to live, and then you live to eat'? Well, it may be true that the body is a temporary thing, but that's no excuse for stuffing your body with food.......Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body!"

I've said this before, but I think gluttony, laziness & those types of things are so overlooked as sins nowadays. We just kind of joke about them & commiserate with each other when we gain the extra pounds & let ourselves stay in front of the boobtube for hours. We obsess over the weight, but we don't feel badly enough about pigging out on a regular basis. Some days, if I'm honest, the amount of food my family eats really could feed a village. Yesterday, I was reading a small, local paper & it was saying our food pantry has gone from serving 20 people a month to 129 in the last month alone & are expected to see an increase when it gets even closer to winter. The girls & I rummaged through our cabinets & donated some things right then (before we forgot & our good intentions crumbled away). People in my neighborhood are going hungry & I am eating 1/2 a pan of very fattening & somewhat pricey sweets. I know there's a time for everything, including indulging. But, when I indulge every day, that just makes me a pig & an unhealthy one at that. And, really...if I cut back, I could help others more, which makes me so much happier in the long run.

I know all this...I believe it...why do I keep repeating these behaviors? God help me, Dianna


Cassidy :) said...

Hi mom,

First to comment! YEAH!

Bye xoxoxoxoxoxoxdoxoxoxo


janec64 said...

Great, Cassidy beat me to it!!!

I wouldn't call yourself a pig and I don't know why it is that we struggle with this.... I mean it realy is a struggle, its not a struggle to eat junk its a stuggle to eat healthy, what up with that??

Yes it was only a little pan but don't we all pig out when we bake something, I know I have more than two cookies as I'm baking them. Kudos to you guys for cleaning out the cabinets but sometimes I think you're a little too hard on yourself..

If we (you and I, and whomever else) could/would actually take the time to honestly think before that bite of food goes in our mouth I think we'd be O.K. but man, that would be a struggle and a major temptation but if we actually did do it, think of the terrific feeling we'd have for not giving into the enemy, he must slyly smile to himself everytime we give into temptation... I hope I can remember that when I go to eat and just rebuke him and praise God instead.

Love Ya

Take Care
