Friday, April 11, 2008

All intertwined

Well, I lost back the 3 pounds I gained. Woohoo!! I am going to have a great day today. I have had a tough week & have been on a non-sleeping jag. My wonderful hubby kicked me out of the house yesterday & told me "don't be a teacher or a mommy or a wife or a leader today, just be Dianna". Isn't he swell? I took almost the whole day & feel very refreshed today. I actually got a few practical things done, but it was my choice & not because I had to. I took a nice walk at Quabbin, which I haven't been to in years. Nice place to walk...water is always soothing to me. I need to let go of the idea that taking time for myself is selfish. It's really kind of essential for my sanity & the atmosphere in this house. I like to joke that if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, but it's really kind of true. Even Jesus took time away from the crowds to refresh. We know He's not selfish. Taking regular times to refresh is so important for me, especially, because I have always needed lots & lots of alone time. If I don't make it a priority, it just doesn't happen naturally. I'm with my kids all the time & I'm with people all the time. I love people, but being with a group, unless I am really comfortable with them (which takes me a long time) exhausts me. I enjoy it, but it wipes me out. Anyway, since I am now on the kick of every thing's intertwined in my life, I need to recognize that if I take the time to refresh every week, it will help everything else. It's so weird, though...all this "wisdom" I am discovering is so counter to what comes naturally. It's like I am having to unlearn just about everything. Have a good day, God bless, Dianna

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