Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Hang-Over


I think I ate an entire turkey this past week. I didn't exhibit much self-control, most assuredly. Oh well, today's a new day. Did my 3 mile walk today. Feeling ok about things. I have to admit my eating/exercise habits have not been at the forefront of my mind lately (probably why I haven't been achieving lots of success). I am thinking a lot about the adoption process we are going through. Now that we are nearing the end of our MAPP classes & finishing the home study process, it's all seeming a bit more real. Although it could take us forever to find a good match, it could be as soon as 2-3 months from now. I'm excited & like..."AAaaahhhh!!!!!" I'm thinking about how much my life will change. Which is fine, but scary, too. I am also thinking that I NEED to get organized. Our family life is largely unstructured because 1) we are homeschoolers and can be 2)my girls operate better without so much structure. It's SO much easier to teach them when they are their best rather than arbitrary times 3) I have NO discipline. It's truly amazing I get anything done at all. BUT, I'm thinking....adding another kid into the fray is going to change all that. What are the chances this little boy will sleep in until 8:30, like my girls usually do? Not likely!! I know it will all work out with time, but I keep thinking how much easier it would be to try to get organized NOW before he comes. I keep thinking about it, yet doing very little about it. Maybe I could just concentrate on 1 thing: Consistently getting up early. When I do get up early, I exercise & get a lot of housework done before the girls even wake up. I already feel like I've accomplished something, so I don't feel that sense of being overwhelmed with how much I need to get done. Yeah, that's what I'll try. 1 goal a time: Getting up early!! God bless, Dianna


janec64 said...

You'll be fine. Stop stressing about it cuz you know when he gets there it will all be different anyway.

One goal at a time is great, try getting up early everyday for a week, then add the next goal.

I wish Katelynne would sleep til 8:30a.m.

Cassidy :) said...

Who rules? Mom rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!