Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2 More Down

Well, I can't understand how, except the grace of God, but I've lost another 2 pounds since I last weighed in. I haven't been doing super, but even at my worst, I've still been exercising a few times a week & not totally being a glutton. While I'm certainly not complaining, in an odd way, I almost feel guilty for losing I'm getting away with something. I really am weird, aren't I? Oh, well...I am just going to see it as a gift from God & resist the temptation to think I can eat crappy & still lose weight. I only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks, so I probably would have lost more if I hadn't had so many rough patches, but I'll take every pound I can---or lose it, rather.

Isn't it funny how some #s mean more than others? I am now 2 pounds away from being under that 160 line. That would be nice. Maybe that can help motivate me, too...although I hesitate to pay too much attention to #s, because that is not my main focus. Reminder to self: My main focus is to NOT be a glutton, NOT to use food for comfort & NOT to be a lazy butt.

Leah, get back on that exercising wagon. You can do it!!! God bless, Dianna


janec64 said...

Congrats on the 2 lbs. You are doing so Great!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya


Leah P said...

Considering that it is almost midnight and I am leaving you a comment, I probably won't be exercising again. Pray for me though. I'm trying to get back into it. Its so hard for me to go to bed early once I get into the habit to do otherwise. Okay, well, I'll talk to you later.

Leah P said...

I made a new post! Figured you guys would check since its been I while so I'm giving you the heads up on it.