Monday, March 24, 2008


BOO!! I am NOT doing well :( Really NOT at all. I have eaten quite horribly the past few days & am very disappointed in myself. I have still been exercising, but eating way too much & trying to justify it. I so need to get a grip before I undo everything God has so graciously un-done in the last few months. The heart of the matter is I'm lazy. I don't want to have to work at it. I just want it done & have all my bad habits completely gone. God has given me victory in this area, but that doesn't mean I can just sit back & do anything I feel like. I need to hold onto the victory & not willingly give it over, which I have been. First & foremost I need to have faith, but I also need to remember that the health of my body is worth fighting for. Worth investing time & prayer towards. I NEEd to do better. NOW!! Unfortunately, I gain weight a lot faster than I lose it, so I could be back to my old self in a blink of an eye. And I'm sure there's nothing satan would like better. BOO!! I will not be defeated!! 1 John 5:4 - "Everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." Please pray for me. God bless, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

You're right. You can be right back where you were so easily. It happened to me last year. I was losing so much weight and right when I got to a point where I was very happy with myself... I gained it all right back. We need to not let Satan overpower us like that. He's a big jerk! I over did it yesterday myself. I struggle most (as I'm sure most of us do) with holidays. But I was able to exercise at least that night by playing basic mode for almost two hours straight with Jen on DDR. I know it doesn't justify my eating but it made me feel a little better that I had worked up the biggest sweat in years. This is the point where you really need to persevere. We get to a point where we feel like we have done enough trying and we need to take a break. As you know already that is Satan and unfortunately, he wins that battle a lot. Well I know that neither of us want that. I am praying for you Dianna. Love you.