Friday, March 7, 2008

New Motivation


Ladies, thanks as always for your encouragement. Leah, good job losing 5 pounds :) Yesterday was a good day. I was able to take a long walk & have a nice long chat with God & am trying to recommit to the "fire" I had when I first started this venture. I got some new motivation to continue on, actually, in my brother-in-law, Harry. He's got some health issues I can safely assumed he's ignored for quite a while & has now admitted he needs to get serious about losing weight. So, my new motivation is to keep with it & try to be a good example for him. Not that I think he's watching my every move, but people always notice when you lose weight. Actually, they notice even more when you gain!! I was able to resist a HUGE temptation last night (I won't go into details :0) & exercised again this morning. Bye, bye slump. Have a good day everyone. God is good, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...

I'm on a new movitation too, I didn't want to say anything cuz when I do I never stick but since we have it in common I'll mention it just this once then I'm shutting up.I think it was Jen's prayer the other night that hit home. I am just trying to eat more healthy and not make an issue out of it. so that's all I'm saying.

Way to Go Sistah!!! and Hello to you Leah... Congrats on the 5 lbs.

Take Care
