Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Football games are evil


Another day of waking up & exercising :) I ate pretty well today & yesterday, too. Not on Sunday, though. I went to my sister's house for the Patriots game & ate too much because there was lots of yummy things to eat. I didn't completely go crazy, though. I could have (&have) done much worse. Then again, I could have done much better. The important thing is I got back on the wagon & started right again on Monday, so that's all I can do, right?

Another goal of mine is to try to eat tiny meals more frequently. When I eat a regular-sized breakfast; I am typically not hungry again until dinner & I really don't want to eat unless I'm hungry. But, if I go that long between meals, I find I get a bit shaky & discombobulated. Is that a real word? I actually think I might have hypoglycemia or whatever that is where your blood sugar dips dramatically. Because, I will be walking around full of energy one moment & need to lay down the next. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to get it checked out or anything, because that would require seeing a doctor, which is not likely to happen.

Anyway, I am happy with my progress so far. Jane....welcome to the wagon. The next time I don't want to finish my soda, I will cover it with saran wrap. Then, I will bring it to you as a present. Then, I won't be wasting it. Heehee. What can I say? I'm weird.
God bless, go do some jumpin' jacks, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...

and I will happily drink all of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great job with the game, this time of year is tough with all the goodies arriving but if we don't go back for seconds I think we'll be O.K. ie - Women's meeting next week!!!