Friday, October 10, 2008


Well...I just finished 45 minutes of torture with Gilad. Does anyone remember him? I think he was pretty big in the 90s. Tony & I used to do his TV work-outs sometimes in college in his mom's living room; which is a funny memory. A tiny living room with too much furniture & 2 clumsy kids trying to do aerobics. Heehee. Well, today was funny in a different a pathetic way. But I did it! I'll not lie & say I did it 100 % full steam--I modified it a bit during the last 2 segments. But, it's a more strenuous work-out than I'm used to, which I need once in a while. It feels good knowing I can even mostly do it. At least not in as bad of shape as I was when I first started this process last November. I have been still walking a few days a week during my "interlude", which is much better, of course, than no exercise at all. Not just for weight, but for health in general.

It was brutal getting out of bed this morning. I had a tough day mentally yesterday & spent a good part of the afternoon/evening in bed watching Upstairs, Downstairs (OLD British series) & was in quite a funk, which carried over to waking up. BUT, I forced myself to get up & I'm glad I did. I feel pretty good right now. I really do have to wonder sometimes if I have a real chemical/hormonal imbalance or something. Anyway, the reason I say that is because I took a long walk yesterday, which was nice, but it always seems like I need a real raising my heart rate to actually feel better. Who knows, it could just be coincidence. But, I also remember that when I was really "on the wagon", whenever I felt that awful slump in the afternoon, I would do a quick jog around the house or something & it really seemed to help. Maybe I'll start trying that again & see what happens. It's hard, though, because when you feel tired & run down, the last thing you want to do is a bit of exercise.

Anyway, enough babbling. Jane, in answer to your question about what you "signed on" for?? I don't know...that has to be up to you, of course & what you feel you should aim for. As for me, I am trying to 1) Exercise...(.seems to be what I need to make the other things effective) 2)Eat when I'm hungry only 3)Eat fairly healthy foods most of the time 4)Eat sweets/junk in moderation 5) Drink plenty of water 6) Blog, bevause even if it's only you reading it, it still helps me to know someone might be & to process my own thoughts/keep me focused. It's not anything drastic or revolutionary, but I know it works & I can do it if I 7) most important...lift it up before God every day. That I would find the balance of finding pleasure in eating, but not looking for my joy or comfort in it, which can only come from God.

I'll be praying for you. Love, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...


I "get it" I lifted it up to Him yesterday and I felt different right afterwards. Can't explain it but you know what I mean.

Love Ya.