Friday, October 3, 2008

Waking up is hard to do

Well.....the excitement & energy I felt yesterday at jumping out of bed didn't apply today, but....I got out of bed anyway after a bit of an internal struggle. Picture the old Disney cartoon with the angel with a halo on one shoulder & the devil with the pitchfork on the other. Thankfully, the angel won. I added a mile today; doing Leslie Sansone's 4 mile walk. I feel pretty good about that. I ate pretty well yesterday, although I could have eaten a bit less at dinner. I made a new recipe for Butternut squash soup which I personally thought was fantastic. So, I had that with salad & garlic bread. I ate a bit more than I needed, but I didn't pig out, had a small dessert & no snacks after dinner. However, I made the dumb move of having a caffeine free diet coke after dinner, which I didn't finish until 8:00, which probably contributed to my poor sleep last night :( How quickly I forget that I can't drink anything at night!!! I was too cheap to not finish it, how ridiculous is that? What's even more ridiculous is that I got the soda for free in the first place. Haha. Oh, well.....

I had a bit of a tough afternoon/evening yesterday. My youngest daughter (8 1/2) has been ultra emotional, quickly angered & ungrateful lately & we had a blow out about something she thought was unfair. Neither one of us handled it well, but she's 8, so she was over it in minutes while I felt guilty about it all night long. I asked her forgiveness, which she gave, and I know Jesus always forgives us when we are truly repentant, but sometimes I have difficulty forgiving myself. The reason I mention it is that I am happy I didn't turn to food for comfort, but sad because I spent most of the evening plopped in front of the TV instead of the million things I could have been doing. Part of my whole weight loss goal needs to be to learn to manage stress properly, because often it is the food that I go to, which is not good. Oh, well.....I will figure it out someday. That's my new motto. God bless you, Dianna


janec64 said...

Here's a tad bit of info for you.

If you put a piece of saran wrap or tinfoil over the soda it should be good for the next day. Dontcha think??????? I mean Diana that was not even rather Frugal IT WAS Frugal.... especially where it was free in the first place..

I hear ya on the yelling match, I always feel guilty afterwards and how many times can I say I'm sorry.... I really need to work on that, I have got to stop yelling and getting worked up over absolutely nothing.... I had dinner over my mother's and I didnt' overdo it. One roll no second helpings and 1 piece of cake and nothing when I got home, straight to bed.....

Keep it up!!
Love Ya


Cassidy :) said...

haha mumma. You are funny.
I love you SOOOOOOOOO much.

Love Cass