Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Woohoo! I've lost 33 pounds! Very psyched (yes, I grew up in the 80s). I'm back to exercising now that I am healthy again. It's quite a relief to know the good habits I've developed are sticking even with occassional breaks. That was always a down-fall before---I'd start something, get sick & never go back. No more! I am currently only 10 pounds more than my lowest weight post-children. That was at the end of my weight watchers stint & didn't last long at all, because what they "allowed" me to eat at that weight never satisfied me. There's no way I could do that forever. Now, I can eat whatever I feel like (in moderation & only when I'm hungry...i.e. when my body needs fuel). Yeehaw!! For some reason this particular # is super exciting to me. Of course, I'm nowhere near my lowest weight PRE-children, but that's another story altogether.

Leah & Jane...how are you ladies doing? God bless you all, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...

I'm fine.

As I told you last night, Congratulations, this seems to be working well for you and I'm glad.

I on the other hand am doing my own thing which I have no idea what it is but I gained weight this way, I knew I would but I just didn't realize it would be as much as it is.

I'll see ya tonight

Love ya
