Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Can't always get what you want

I'm struggling a bit tonight with not having any goodies. I know I "can" have some, but I had some yesterday & it's already late, so I really shouldn't. If it weren't for my kids, I just wouldn't have any in the house, but there's no need to punish them just because I have self-control issues.

I just got back from my small group & we're starting to study the book of Romans. In the second part of the first chapter, Paul talks about how, if we continue to sin without repentance, God will eventually stop chasing after us & give ourselves over to our own sinful nature. He's talking specifically about non-believers, but I think the same can apply to Christians. I am just so grateful that I am finally coming to my senses in the area of food. I'm not "there" yet, but I am making progress & He is definately changing me & freeing me of these unGodly habits. I am thankful I finally heard His voice & responded & that He didn't give me over to my own desires. God is patient, but if we keep knowingly sinning, how can we really expect Him to keep forgiving endlessly? Especially if we're not truly trying to change & repent. Thanks for not giving up on me, Lord. Thanks for not always giving us what we want.


janec64 said...

in regards to the last two sentences.... "AMEN"

Leah P said...

Your awesome. I am doing well with the exercising. Very well actually. I'm not really losing weight I am getting in shape. Its tax season so I am eating less whether I like it or not. Not really feeling so hungry when I am super busy. Anyway, love you and I am so happy for you. I couldn't believe when I saw you in those jeans the other day. You look great. I'm jealous! Just kidding.