Tuesday, February 19, 2008

35 Down

I've lost 35 pounds so far!! Woohoo! That's pretty darned cool, especially since I have been sick for most of this month & have been thrown off any semblance of a schedule. I want to thank my hubby for telling me not to eat the cookies last night. I actually listened for once, can you believe it? After pouting for a few minutes, I realized I really didn't want them that badly. I'm thinking I need to buy yuckier sweets for my kids to have around the house. The problem is, there's not that many sweets I HATE. But, maybe I can find 1 (that they still like, of course).

This has nothing at all to do with weight, but it's my blog, so what the heck. I hate housework!! And, what's more I hate that I hate housework. Being a SAHM & a homeschooling mom, we are home a great deal of the time, which of course causes lots of clutter & mess. I try to convince myself sometimes that it doesn't matter, but the truth is it does matter, to me anyway. I don't need a picture perfect house, but when it's messy, especially when it's really cluttered, I just don't function well. The worst is when every room is a disaster. No refuge. I just can't think amongst all the mess. But, I truthfully hate housework. I was throwing in a load of laundry this morning, all whiny & I just laughed at how pathetic I am. How many women in different countries today are still beating their clothes on a rock by a river & here I am complaining in my heart that I'm doing yet another load of laundry in my Maytag washing machine. How many families in this world have closets full of clothes...who can change into new outfits every day, if not (in my daughter's case) more than once a day? I am so blessed to even own a home (well, we share it with the bank:) & to have health & strength to do chores. I should be so grateful, but truthfully 99% of the time my daily duties feel like a punishment. I hate feeling that way. It's not right. I really need to pray about having a better attitude in this area because my chores aren't going away!! I am giving the kids the week off (they know public school kids are on vacation this week), so I wanted to try to spend the week getting the house in order. It's 1:00 & I have done very little thus far. Lazy bones!!

I need to remember Ecclesiastes 9:10: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." I have been blessed to ba SAHM & a homeschooling mom. Part of that job description is keeping an orderly house. I think I just need to realize it truly can be for the Lord. I am providing a safe & orderly environment in which my kids can grow & flourish & in which my husband can come home to relax after he comes home from work. I think part of the reason I hate it so much is because it seems so unimportant. But, it's really not. OK, that's enough babbling. God bless, Dianna

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