Friday, January 4, 2008

Better Day

Today I had a much better attitude. I went the day without any sweets...yea! It's not that I think sweets are bad, but I need to know I can live without them. Today was much easier probably helped that I was running around a lot today. It's easier not to think about food when it's not at your disposal every second. I always picture Peg Bundy at home on the couch eating her bon-bons. Not that I'm admitting to ever having watched that show, mind you.

When I have hard times like I have been for the last few days, I am reminded that it's not just my eating habits I need help with, but managing stress in general. I really am stressed out more often than I'd like to admit. The dumbest things stress me out. I used to worry all the time, which I don't do much of anymore. Meaning, I don't sit there & torture myself with "what ifs" or imagine horrible possibilities in my mind or replay past mistakes over & over. Boy! Was I miserable before I knew Christ!! But, I still stress out a bunch, which means I must not be completely leaving my burdens with the Lord. Not good. I'm better than I used to be, but I have to be honest & admit I haven't made as much progress in the area of peace as I would like. I know it's possible to be peaceful, even when our circumstances might be horrible. They say peace is not the absence of conflict, but your ability to cope with it.

Love you all...peace be with you, Dianna

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