Thursday, January 3, 2008


Yesterday I said I was going to get back in the swing...well, today was more like being on a seesaw. My emotions are just all over the place. I did a lot of crying today :( But, I feel much better now. Home schooling presents some unique challenges & I think I've experienced them all in the last few days. Some of the wonderful ladies in a hs group I belong to had some wonderful words of wisdom for me, I took off for a bit by myself & now I'm feeling pretty stable. My hubby has been helpful, too.

I ate sweets today, but oh well...I will try again tomorrow. I didn't eat much, but I didn't stick to that goal. I told my husband, "Today was a bad day to give up sniffing glue" (from the movie Airplane) ...meaning today was NOT the day to go back to the occasional sweet. I definitely ate them out of sadness, which is bad, but most times I get depressed, I tend to chow all day, so I can at least say I had a normal amount & stopped.

Jane, I can't do workouts from TV because I get like 4 channels & 2 of them are in Spanish (only a slight exaggeration). I went to the library today, though & got 2 Jane Fonda work-outs. Oh my!! Have anyone ever done these things? They're all dressed in these bizarrely erotic outfits. Aren't they primarily geared towards women? Oh well, I did 1 (with hubby...that was fun) & it was actually more intense than the ones I've been doing. My lungs hurt afterwards (I have asthma), but at least I wasn't bored. I bit the bullet & ordered a different Leslie Sansone DVD from amazon. I figured my physical & emotional health is more important than sticking to my budget.

So, all in all, it was a tough day, but I'm feeling much better & hopeful tomorrow will be a better day. Or I should say, tomorrow I will have a better attitude. Every day is good:

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 188:24)

Love you all...God bless, Dianna


Leah P said...

Sorry, I had your page bookmarked so that only the 2007 was popping up. Didn't mean to not comment.

I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not but soon analog tv will not work anymore. You may want to consider getting a basic package. I used to exercise to Denise Austin the morning which I believe was at about 6 or 6:30am on channel 5 I believe. I have a DVR so I just programmed it to record. I thought that was a good one.

Other than that, you might not be where you wan to be but I think that you are doing awesome. So keep up the good work and don't be too hard on yourself. Love ya!

Oh and by the way, I got a piano!

Anonymous said...

**the voice of reason**

the switch to Digital TV will only efect those with rabit ears and antennas. We have the very basic package of cable so the cable compnay will handle the switch for us. Even tho we only have 14 channels i believe, it is still cable so we are allset and we do not need any fancier package. we are good to go. love my girl Di.. WOOHOO! xoxoxoxox