Friday, January 18, 2008

Another Piece of the Puzzle

So, my mental state is much improved the last few days, thankfully. If there happen to be any men readers, my sincere apologies for this comment, but I swear I sometimes have PMS for like 2 weeks. I need to research natural remedies for crankiness or something. Oh, well...I am feeling 99% sane & that's good for me :)

I have gotten into a bit of a routine lately (eating wise) which is good & bad. Good in the sense that I've added some healthy elements to my routine--namely exercising & waiting until I'm hungry before I eat. But also bad because I am not paying as much attention to how MUCH I'm eating. I think this is because I'm just not thinking about it & praying about it as much as when I first started. So, I'm just eating my portion & not really paying that much attention to when I'm starting to get full. I'm still not over stuffing myself, but I know if I was eating slower & more prayerfully, I would be more aware of when I'm starting to get full & stop sooner than I am. Part of me feels like I've worked very hard to lose this weight (29 POUNDS!!) & so I kind of deserve to stop working at it so much & thinking about it so much, but in reality I'm not where I want to be yet & I have to keep working until ALL habits become second nature to me & not just some. least some habits are becoming second nature. I really don't have to lay in bed & debate with myself whether or not I'm going to get up & exercise. I just do it. And, I don't have to argue with myself when I should eat. I eat when I'm hungry. The only time this is an issue for me is when I'm at a special function & then I need to plan around it to make sure I'm hungry when the event happens.

Eating smaller portions more often is not going to work for me, I don't think. At least not at this point. It just provides more temptations than I feel like dealing with. It's far easier for me to accept I'm only going to eat twice a day( which is how often I get hungry) than trying to eat such a small portion each time in order to BE hungry more often. It was just frustrating me, so I'm not going to concentrate on that. My energy dips probably had more to do with my stinky attitude anyway, because I had been fine before that & am fine again now. Being stressed out is NOT good for your health. Why do I let myself fall into the same traps? I know better. Silly, silly woman.

Eating slowly is SO HARD!!!! Because I'm not giving it enough weight. Meaning, I'm not spending enough time/energy/ attention towards developing this habit. I've got to figure this out, because I know it's a big piece of the puzzle for me. It will help me eat less, it's better for digestion, I'll actually enjoy the food more. GOTTA do it!! Love you all, have a blessed day, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

Your daughter is growing right in front of our eyes and you are shrinking. You are incredible. It is so encouraging to see God's rewards for obedience. just so you know, you are a big part of my spiritual growth. I do use Jesus as a role model, but I have to admit that when I can't think of what to do about things, it does cross my mind about what you would do about something. I know your not perfect but your doing a good job trying to get there. Anyway, I'll let you go cause my husband is talking to you right now and it is throwing of my concentration. Keep up the good work.