Thursday, January 31, 2008


Well, I have been feeling yucky the last week or so. Have a weird cold/bug/who knows what that's still lingering. I haven't exercised in a week & am afraid that will register on the scale, but I really feel I need to keep resting as much as I can. And now, of course, my house is a pig sty, so any "extra" energy needs to be directed towards that trash heap. Oh where, oh where has my little maid gone? Or where oh where can she be?

I'm eating ok, but not great. I hope I'll be able to get back in the full swing of things when I'm 100%. God bless, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

I'm sure Rosie would be glad to help!

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. I don't know what it is but I was sick and only missed a day. I am one of the lucky ones. My boss who is a maniac about exercising hasn't done anything for like a month now due to this terrible cold that is going around. You're a good job though and I think you will be fine.