Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Day #2:
Today went well. I excercised, ate well :) I was craving something sweet, so I was going to have a yogurt, but when I compared labels, I realized there was as much calories & fat in a serving of ice cream, and the yogurt didn't have much more nutrition. Maybe I ough to check the yogurt labels a bit better before I buy more. Anyway, I opted for a serving of ice cream. Haha!! I usually eat about 6 times that amount, easily. Oh, was yummy & actually satisfied my craving. On the idea of being realistic (for once) I need to be proactive & find sweets that are low calories & still yummy. Part of the many reasons I have failed at this quest for weight loss so many times is because I tend to do all or nothing, which always backfires. Moderation is good. Gluttony is bad.

Speaking of gluttony, what is it? A friend asked me that tonight (hi Jane) & I tried to look into it a bit better. Didn't find much of a biblical definition, although it seems to be related to drinking to excess. The bible says gluttony can lead to poverty & I think it can be used to describe overindulgence in many different areas, not just food. All I know, is I am addicted to food & have been all my life, even when I was somewhat skinny. The only time I have not obsessed over food was when I first went cold-turkey and gave up sugar entirely. Food didn't have the same physical hold over me. BUT...I really didn't lose any weight & after the initial process, I didn't really feel better or have more energy, so what's the point? I did at first, but I think that was because I wanted it so badly. Eating out anywhere was nearly impossible, because there's sugar in everything. I need to do something I can stick with. I need to change the focus of my thoughts & turn to Jesus EVERY time I am tempted to overeat or shirk off from excercise.

I found this definition for addiction: "Addiction is bondage to the rule of a substance, activity, or state of mind, which then becomes the center of life, defending itself from the truth so that even bad consequences don't bring repentance, and leading to further estrangement from God." I can't say I spend every minute thinking about food, because I don't. But I am guilty of turning to the cookie jar first when I am sad or lonely, bored, mad, even happy. I need to break the cycle of turning to anything for comfort other than the Lord. From the same web-site, I found this: "When you are tempted to overeat, choose to be satisfied in Christ alone. Romans 13:14, 'But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.' This is in no way an excuse for my indulgences, but we live in a culture that encourages us to satisfy our flesh NOW. Don't have $$? Put it on the credit card. Have a craving? Indulge. I think it's ok to indulge occassionally, but not as a way of life.

Ok...I'm tired. Hopefully, these new habits will also help me to sleep better. AAhhh...lack of sleep connected to lack of weight loss...another topic for another blog.

Til tomorrow, Dianna


janec64 said...

Hi back at you. I'm going to try turning to God first before I grab something sweet. I was going to tell you that sugar-free sweets is a way to go also. I mean the Sugar free handipack puddings only have 45 cal. sugar-free syrup has about 25 cal. as opposed to regular with like 200. (I might be exaggerating a bit but you get my gist). Anyhoo. I'm glad you're sticking to this blog. I look forward to reading them and learning from them. You are not alone....... and I don't mean that you have Jesus, I'm in the same boat also with the eating habits....

Take Care

Love ya


Leah P said...

Love your bunny. Anyway, I just want you to know that you are such and encouragement to me. I have always looked to you as somewhat of a role model. I know your not perfect but who is. Thats what makes you so real. Its all about what is in your heart. You are always striving to better serve the Lord and I have watched you overcome so many hurdles. This is just another one for you. I am happy that I am participating in this with you. You are such an inspiration. Anyway, have you checked out my blogs yet. I keep thinking of things I should have added but when I get to it, I forget all about it. I know, that must shock you, huh. Okay, so I better get back to work. The URL is so check it out. That goes for any of my friends that are reading this as well. Like JANE! :) Love you, see you later.

Lanette said...

The Weight Watcher's Yogurts are pretty good, and most stores carry them... they are the fewest calories and highest fiber I've been able to find... and they have a good texture and taste...