Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Another good day. I have to say, though, I am missing the food a bit. I don't miss the feeling of overeating or the lack of self-control, or knowing that I was being disobedient. But, I am so not used to eating this little amount of food; especially on a consistent basis. Part of me is worried I am not eating enough & that my metabolism will come to a halt, get used to fewer calories & I will stop losing weight. But, in my heart, I know that I shouldn't eat when I'm not hungry & I shouldn't eat more than my body needs, no matter what experts say. I refuse to count points or calories or fat grams or any such thing. I guess I need a boost of faith today that if I seek first His kingdom & His righteousness, all other things (including weight loss) will be added unto me. Do I believe that God wants me to be thin? Yes, I'd have to say I do. If I think of all the benefits to being thin & fit verses all the negatives of being heavy & unfit, of course God would choose us to be thin. I don't mean Twiggy thin, but healthy thin. He says He grants us the desires of our heart & my desires in this area are #1: obey what His word says about eating #2: trust in Him alone for all the other reasons I have previously turned to food, and #3: be thin & healthy so I can run this race as best I can for as long as I am on this Earth. Those are the good reasons, but again, if I'm truly honest, I am struggling with the fact that I want to be thin so I will look better. That's the murky area, because that can't be my motivation. That's just pure vanity...but, it's there. I asked myself the question today: if I didn't lose another pound, would I still continue the habits I've started? There's a tough one. I'd like to think I would, but I can't say for sure.

I believe this (weight loss) will happen on one level, yet I have to admit I am struggling on another. As anyone who knows me well can attest, I am NOT a patient person on any counts. I want to have lost all the weight already. How ridiculous is that? I know it's not logical, but there it is. That whole "long-suffering" fruit of the Spirit isn't quite ripe yet in me, either. But, I am still hopeful, if that doesn't sound too contradictory. I doubt, but I have hope.....doesn't seem possible, but it's true. I have to just remind myself that God is in control & when I start to doubt, it's because I'm trying to take that control back again. I don't want it back because I know I always mess it up. I have to realize that even though I am doing great, I still need to submit it to Him every day. I wonder if this is how a recovering alcoholic or drug addict feels when they've been clean for a, "I've beaten that....I just want it over with & not think about it anymore". Maybe that's not a possibility? Time will tell. Love you all, thanks for the posts, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

I'm obviously not as mature of a Christian as you are. But I really don't think that there is anything wrong with you wanting to look good. We are women and I think that is natural. You also know the other reasons of why its good and i think that if your only motivation was to look better, I don't think you would have even come this far. God has blessed your for your obedience. I think that you are being too hard on yourself (boy does that sound familiar). You are doing fine. Just stay on the right path and God will continue to bless you. And if his plan is for your to be thin, then that will happen. Of course your not perfect. But God knows your heart. Okay, gotta get out of work now. Love you! Keep up the good work.