Monday, November 26, 2007


Day #14:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (New International Version)

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Hi! Today was a much better day. I ate well, exercised & had a pretty good attitude. I'm still struggling with the eating slower goal. I really have to force myself to do it & usually forget. Tonight for dinner, I had a taco salad with a small scoop of meat, 1 shell, lettuce, tomato & sour cream. Before, on taco night, I would eat 3-4 tacos easily. Tonight, eating slowly, I got full before I finished the plate. It was hard to stop & not go beyond full. It seemed like such a small amount of food. But, my whole mind-set is that God created our bodies perfectly. We don't need experts telling us how much to eat or when...our bodies will do that for us if we listen to it. God built all that in. I've really just never learned & it's difficult. Difficult to slow down & difficult to not want to keep eating. But, I did it & now I'm fine. Really, it's a great thing because eating less will help me reach my other goal about saving more $$.

So...the question I need to ask is why I eat so fast? Do I think the food is going to run away?
Hhhmmmm....chances are, I just got used to cramming in as much food into my body as quickly as possible so I could better ignore those signals of fullness. Probably didn't help that most of my jobs have been in the service industry where you get a 15 minute lunch break if you're lucky. Who knows? My kids & hubby eat quite fast, too. If we could only clean that fast. Haha.

So, I'm not setting any new goals this week until I meet my new one from last week--slow down the chowing. Have a Happy Day. God bless, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but I've been trying to eat slow and I did do this during Thanksgiving. It helped me at the church, but the next day at home when we had dinner, I for some reason still felt the need to get more. Maybe it has something to do with your sister's cooking. Its so funny how the devil works with just about anything. Even when you do what you are trying to do, you still can't let your guard down. I was so proud of you when I saw your dish. You ate like a bird, which is really how we are supposed to eat. If we all ate normal portion sizes, maybe the the majority of Americans wouldn't be struggling with obesity (McDonald's may have something to do with it too :)

Love you Dianna. Keep up the good work.