Monday, November 12, 2007

welcome to my blog

Hello people!

This is my first ever blog & I never thought I'd write one, but it won't be the first time I do something I never thought I'd do. My name is Dianna & I live with my wonderful husband of 10 years and 2 beautiful daughters. I am writing this blog in an effort to start the committment to lose weight. I have battled with the bulge on and off most of my adult life, although for the past 4 years or so it's been mostly off. While the weight itself is an issue for me, it is mostly the fact that I know I am being disobedient in God's word concerning gluttony. As a Christian, although I am nowhere near perfect--(who is?), I have grown in so many areas I used to struggle with. Yet, in this, I have never gotten the victory. I know Jesus died for us not only so we can have eternal life, but also so that we can have victory over all areas of sin. I think in our culture, there are some sins we tend to gloss over as not being that important, but the word says gluttony and sloth are sin. I am not lazy in everything, but I do despise excercise, so I am certainly guilty in that respect.
I just came back from a women's retreat where the theme was "The Amazing Race" where one of the key verses was Hebrews 12:1: "...let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us." He's speaking about not giving up in our spiritual walk with God, but for me I took another meaning as well. If I am to be the best servant I can for Him, the best wife, mom, friend, etc....part of that is getting healthy. Today (so embarassing, but necessary to post) at 5'7" I weigh 195 pounds. I weighed 198 at my highest pregnancy weight. It's just so sad to think of the damage I am doing to my own body & that there's noone to blame but myself. Well, and my mother :) Only kidding. I am determined, even though I have failed soooooooo many times, to give this over to God, knowing I can't do it in my own strength & knowing He can win the victory for me.

These are my goals for this week: To NOT be a glutton, to not eat when I am full, to excersize at least 3 times this week, and to eat my fruits, veggies, dairy & drink plenty of water. Modest goals, I know, but I'm trying to be realistic. Please pray for me & please join me :) Maybe you battle with the same issues, maybe you have another issue you're battling. Set a small goal for yourself & let's encourage one another. I am actually excited & hopeful that this will be the beginning of a major change in my life. Thanks for taking part in this & follow along with me as I go. God bless, Dianna


Unknown said...

It is so great to see you putting what you've learned into practice so quickly. I too came back from the retreat all fired up and look forward to more personal time with my Lord, Jesus Christ.
I'll be praying for you dear sister as I know you are tackling a very difficult hurdle. I'm quite familiar with it myself as you know and constantly struggle.
I look forward to the encouragement your blog will bring to me and others.
In Christ,

janec64 said...


What a Good read, I am so wishing that I went to the retreat. Anyhoo, I too have struggled with weight issues and eating healthy so "I'm In". I'll see you tomorrow night.

Take Care
