Thursday, November 15, 2007


Day #3:

Good day :) Thank you to my wonderful friends reading & leaving me encouraging messages. Just thinking someone might read this helps hold me accountable & I know I'm not alone in this struggle. I have already met one of my goals for the week: to exercise 3 times this week. Praise God, I did it!!! But, I am still getting up tomorrow to "Walk, Power Walk" (Leslie Sansone) because it will be easier to keep the habit if I don't stop. I love her stuff because it's so simple (no difficult moves to follow), but I should get some more DVDs, because it does get pretty boring. On the other hand, I can kind of zone out during them & pray while I work out, so maybe boring's not a bad thing sometimes. Anybody have any suggestions for work-out DVDs? I need low impact & no silly dance moves (I'm not too coordinated).

I was listening to a tape today about repentance that really got me thinking. What is repentance? I found this on Wikipedia: "a change of mind accompanied by regret and change of conduct, 'change of mind and heart', or, 'change of consciousness'. " I was thinking, if I really think my eating habits are often sinful (which I do), then I really need to repent from my behavior if I expect God to help me. I have prayed so many times for God to give me strength to overcome my bondage to food, yet many of those times, even as I was praying, my flesh was fighting against it. Ever had an experience like that? I always chalked it up to lack of faith, but maybe it goes deeper? I don't think I really had a repentant heart about it. "A change of mind accompanied by regret..." I certainly regretted getting fat & letting things get out of control, but did I really have a contrite heart about it? "...change of conduct..." Always...for a little while. "...change of mind and heart...", not really. Even when I was "being good", I always felt bad for myself, that I was missing out. My heart still was with the food. Anyway, so I turned off the tape & cried out to God. I don't mean..."Dear God, please forgive me & help me..." I mean, I CRIED out to God & wept & really understood that my behavior in this area has not only grieved me, but it grieves Him. I repented for all the times I turned to food instead of to Him; for using food as an idol. No more---I'm done. I really feel that this time is for real.

All righty then. God bless & keep you all, Dianna


janec64 said...


I am so proud of you for sticking to it this week, it will get easier, it only get harder when you slack and try to get back on again. Thank you so much for the link from yesterday's post. I really do like the verse from Exodus 16:4-5 "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not."

I never really understood nor knew the concept of gluttony in the bible. I thought it was just someone eating like a "pig". Thanks so much for this. Have a great day!!!!!

Love ya


Leah P said...


I love reading your blogs because they are always so educational. I am just silly and I ramble on telling you all the things that I have done or not done but you on the other hand have never failed to give me something to walk away with. I think that you are going to do great with this and I hope and pray that I do too. I think that us doing this together will really help me. Okay, well, I'll talk to you later. I'm leaving early today. Got lots to do. Love you!