Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Hard Day's Night


Today was tough. I started out the day so excited & with such a positive mind-set. Somehow, I have lost 13 pounds, even though I was only 6 pounds down a few days ago. Praise God!!! I was so thrilled! I took an early morning walk today, even though it was quite cold & I hate the cold. It was ok. I wore my long-johns & I was sweating by the time I got home. My asthma started acting up a bit by the last hill, though. Cold weather isn't good for my lungs, but I get bored doing the same old work-outs. Gotta get some new ones. Anyway, so I headed off for church thrilled to death, rehearsal went well (I'm on the worship team), but it went down-hill for me from there. Frustrating service for me, but I won't get into that. Anyway, I did what I do sometimes when things don't go well; feel sorry for myself & try to escape my reality. I watched tv most of the day....waste of time & not good for getting out of a funk. This is how ridiculous I get when I'm in a hubby went out to get me the Sunday paper, because I am trying to save $$ & have been clipping coupons. Of course, for some reason, there was none, so I threw a little fit. So stupid. When hubby asked me what the matter was, I said, "Every time I try to do something good, something gets messed up!" That's what my 7 year old would say. Besides, it's not even true. Then, of course, I wanted a piece of left-over pie that I was so sure wouldn't be a temptation to me. Haha!! Well, at least I resisted. I ate well today, but I didn't want to. My attitude stunk.

I'm trying to recognize what went wrong & I'm thinking maybe I was a bit too proud of myself for losing 13 pounds. I did thank God, but maybe a part of me was still taking credit? And, I need to not run away from God or my problems when they arise & face them head on. I tend to seek God most when times are good & when they are desperately bad. When things are a little crummy, I still tend to try to deal with it in worldly ways. When will I ever learn? I did snap out of it a bit....but I could have done so a lot sooner. Also, I read an article about how Satan tends to attack after we've experienced a spiritual high & I have really been experiencing that:

Tomorrow's a new day & I know His mercies are new every morning. I'll try to concentrate on the positive. Have a good day, Dianna

1 comment:

Leah P said...

I'm so sorry you felt like that. You have been doing an awesome job lately, but your right. There is nobody who can lose that much weight that fast on their own. It was God and all God. You were just obedient and had faith and God obviously rewarded you for it. I have felt like that plenty. When good things happen, even though I thank God, I think I still let it get to my head. The biggest thing is that you recognize what you are doing because as well all know, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. That's something I have been working on lately - recognizing what my problems are so I can fix them (which is another difficult step all in its own).