Friday, November 30, 2007

Old pants

Well, I got on the scale today & was discouraged to find I haven't lost any more weight. I didn't gain any, either, so that's good. I whined a bit to my husband & he tried to assure me that I might be gaining muscle, so I'll accept that. Then, I tried on a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear & I'm wearing them now!! Cool beans, I couldn't even zip them up the last time I tried them on, so that encouraged me.

I'm off to a fellowship tonight with some lovely ladies from my church which will revolve around food & singing Christmas songs. It should be fun, but it also poses a challenge. Am I strong enough to avoid the sweets when they'll be in my face all night? I could skip dinner & have dessert instead :) Sshhhh.....don't tell the kids. If I had more brains, I would have brought a fruit platter or something. I am baking a fairly healthy version of banana bread, so that wouldn't be too bad. It's got some whole grains & honey & eggs. That's pretty well balanced, right? RIGHT!!! Yes, I think I will skip dinner so I can enjoy the get-together without all the guilt. I still gotta pray to not go crazy & to not make it a habit. Love you all, thanks for the encouragement, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...

Yes, go by the fit of your clothes not the scale, the scale is voodoo!!!!!!!