Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fear of Old Habits

Well, I feel yucky. I got sick on my birthday & it's still lingering. I skipped exercising yesterday because I felt very weak. I felt a bit better this morning, so I decided to try a light work-out. I might have rushed that a bit. I'm frankly afraid of NOT exercising at this point, because every other time I have gotten into a good routine, I tend to get sick, stop & then not start again for a long time. I really am determined for that not to happen again. But, I also don't want to make the sickies stay longer. I actually cried a bit yesterday because I couldn't exercise. I know that's ridiculous.....I tend to get overemotional when I'm sick anyway. I need to chill out & have confidence that this time is different & I will not fall back into old habits. Getting sick is a fact of life. I have to learn how to adapt to that in this new phase of my life.

Love you all, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...


I was the way, everytime I started a diet, I'd catch a cold after a week or so then I couldn't get in the "swing" of things. Don't give up (well I know you're not) but just continue to exercise as you're able. Don't over do it!!!.

I hope you're feeling better and I decided that since I'm typing these I might as well have my own
