Monday, December 17, 2007

You Have No Power Over Me

So, I was faced with many temptations this weekend & I did extremely well. As for the event on Friday night, I actually ended up not eating anything at chocolate fountain, no ice cream, no punch, no cake...not even fruit. I considered having some fruit, but I didn't really want it, wasn't hungry & it was near the fountain, so I figured why put myself in the direct line of fire.

Saturday, I went to a Christmas party with tons of yummy foods & goodies & only had small portions of some of my favorites & one dessert. I was thinking about the events of the weekend, feeling happy with myself, thanking God for the self-control & this silly thought/image from one of my favorite movies as a kid (oh, who am I kidding, I still love the movie) came to mind. It's from the Labyrinth with David Bowie where the girl is about to give into his spell or whatever it is, when she finally comes to this grand realization & says, "You have no power over me," then of course she is free to do what she set out to do. I'm not explaining it well, but if you saw the movie, maybe you know what I mean. My point is, food is not having the same power over me that it pretty much always has. I can limit myself & not feel deprived. I am starting to control my eating habits, not the other way around. As I've said before, I truly believe God meant our food to be a source of pleasure...otherwise He wouldn't have made it all so tasty & so varied...yet, we're supposed to eat in order that we can live, not live so that we can eat. After all, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (Matthew 4:4)

I was also remembering the same family Christmas party as a kid, when my mom, normally pretty strict about food, would not set limits. I would literally just stand around the m&m bowl (or chips or whatever) & chow until they were gone. It's just so exciting to be finally set free from habits that have reigned pretty much my whole life.

Another good thing that is coming out of this is that hubby is losing weight, too. Last week he said 11 pounds, which is awesome!! Thanks, Jane, for your encouragement. God bless you all, Dianna


janec64 said...

Oops! My bad on the fruit thing, I thought I saw you with some, sorry.

Good new for Tony too.

So one more question on you're quest..... Are you really eating what you feel like and what you think you should be eating, ie. are you eating a bowl of oatmeal cuz it's better for you as opposed to a muffin or donut, or if you want the donut do you eat that instead?

I'm just trying to figure it out.

I remember Dolly Parton had said years ago that her diet consisted of eating whatever she wanted but only have two bites. To me, that's such a waste of food.

Take Care. I at least hope you're having spaghetti dinner Friday night!!!!!!


Leah P said...

Am I missing something? What is Spagetti dinner. Oh yeah. Women's ministry. Oh pooh. I can't take Ethan. Ah well. Anyway, I think that you are at such a good point in your life Dianna. You are a good model for me to follow right now. I started eating better as of yesterday. You can read about it on my new blog (now that I am finally done with school). Anyway, love you and see you tonight!