Thursday, December 27, 2007


Kind of a weird day today. I ate fine, but didn't want to. There are too many goodies in this house lately & I baked more today for a New Year's Eve party. I'm trying to do some stuff ahead of time & freeze what I can so I won't be rushing around last minute. I'm trying to figure out how the basket of Hershey kisses (which aren't even close to my favorite) are tempting me when I've had the same bag of dark chocolate for almost 2 months & those aren't. Duh!!! 'cuz the kisses are in plain view & the bag is in the cupboard. I guess I could stash the kisses & other junk, too. Maybe that will help. It's always harder getting back in the swing after a Holiday, too. I didn't go crazy on Christmas, but I ate more sweets than normal. So, that's probably part of it. That & I've been scanning the grocery store fliers, grocery shopping or cooking 1/2 the day. Even getting up to exercise today was harder. I am giving the girls the week off of homeschooling, so I don't HAVE to wake up early, but maybe I shouldn't break a routine that's been working. Oh, least I did it. Have a good one. God bless, Dianna

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