Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Mine was great, but I'm glad it's done :) There was obviously TONS of temptation....TONS of food, especially goodies. My sister-in-law, Vick, makes the best desserts ever. I can't say I did fabulous, but I did OK...I did not stuff myself to overfull & I indulged the least I ever have on Christmas, that's for sure. I tried to exercise a bit more today to help make up for the extra calories, but all in all, I am feeling ok with my choices.

I no longer fit in any of the pants I've been wearing for the last year or so. It's a nice problem to have, but a problem nonetheless. I am broke this month, but I had to suck it up & go shopping today. I went to the Salvation Army & bought 2 pairs of dress pants & 2 tops. It took me almost 2 hours, because you have to search there, but Wednesdays are 1/2 off, so it was totally worth it. I spent just shy of $10. Woohoo!! The best part was I tried on literally like 30 pairs of pants & all but 1 or 2 fit :) I didn't like them all, but they fit. I am down 4 sizes, which is very exciting for me. The tops I bought were a bit different for me...I got a gold sparkly thing . I have kind of been sticking with very basic tops for a while because I don't want to draw attention to myself, if that makes any sense, but now I am getting a bit bolder. I knew I wasn't happy with how I was looking, but I am now realizing I was really quite ashamed of the extra weight. It's silly, because I never look at people who are really large & judge them, but I have always been super critical of myself, even at my thinnest. I am actually strating to feel ok with my looks now, which is a HUGE deal & something I really feared before...that even if I lost weight, I still wouldn't be comfortable with myself. I don't know if it's just growing up, or growing in my relationship with the Lord, or what...but, I'm not complaining. What good is it to lose weight & still think you're fat? If I am already starting to feel comfortable with myself now, I feel confident that I won't get obsessed & go too far on the other end of the spectrum...which I have before in various stages in my life. The devil stinks!! He lies & tells you food will solve your problems...he lies & tells you you're already fat, so why bother resisting at all & then if you do lose weight, he lies & tells you you're still not pretty. Why do we listen to him?

John 8:44 ".... He (satan) was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

I'm done listening to his lies. He's a LEMON, as my husband would say.

Love you all, God bless, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...


I'm so happy for you!!! Glad to hear you're getting more self-confident not that you shouldn't of been in the first place but I understand about being ashamed and stuff. It's funny, I'll see a really nicely dressed larger women or even a large women wearing something "clingy" and I'll say to myself that I wish I had self-confidence to wear something like that. I feel so "frappy" with my clothes. I remember when I was thinner how much I used to be dressier. I guess I'm in the "comfort zone" where I feel comfortable in what I'm wearing.

I hope to go down 4 sizes like you, I am so happy for you!!!!!!!

Love Ya
