Monday, December 3, 2007

I feel the need for speed


Thanks again to my buddies who post comments. Jane-you are right!! I need to not obsess over the scale & concentrate on the only things that are within my control, which are seeking Him first & obeying His word. Thanks for the reminder.

A weird thing happened yesterday afternoon. I was reading a book, trying to rest & I felt incredibly fatigued & simply awful. I couldn't shake it. I felt like crying...not just because I felt poorly, but because it occurred to me that I really haven't felt that way since I started exercising & I used to feel like that EVERY DAY!!!!! It's hard to explain, but when it happens, it takes a tremendous amount of effort just to move any part of your body. This has been a problem for me for a few years...sometimes it would be worse than others, but it was pretty much a regular occurrence. I've tried "natural remedies". I gave up sugar & non-whole grain flours 100%, which helped a bit, but not much. Then I chalked it up to my weight, but the last time I lost any considerable amount of weight, I still felt lousy. Then, I finally surmised it was just my anemia & insomnia. Well, since I've started this new approach, I've been sleeping better (although only 6-7 hours a night) & even though I sometimes get tired, yesterday was the first time I felt that horrible fatigue. And I know why!!! Yesterday was the first day I didn't exercise this whole time. So, my husband told me to get up & do some right then & I did & I felt fine!! Praise God!!! This may not sound like a big deal to most, but if you've ever felt that awful feeling, you can relate & imagine what it feels like to feel like that every day. How I didn't connect that before...who knows? Maybe because, this time, I am really challenging myself physically instead of just taking a casual stroll. It seems that I need to really get the blood flowing. Anyway, so I am going to treat aerobic exercise as medicine & hope to never feel that awful feeling again. I had almost forgotten how awful I felt....don't we forget so quickly? I have had much more energy & am getting more accomplished than usual. God is good.

Love ya, Dianna

1 comment:

janec64 said...

This might have nothing to do with the current post in general it does. I overate at lunch today and felt a little ill. (I've been on the sugarbusters WOE) anyhoo, I started looking online for other diets to try and Duh, all I did was re-read all the posts. I caught myself doing exactly what you've done, eating more cuz you blew it and tomorrow is another day. Well nope, no more habit eating, or overeating, I will eat when hungry, stop when full. and alot of prayer. It sounds simple but I've tried it before and blew it but the prayer wasn't involved.

So I guess now, I am officially starting over without the Sugarbusters, but with more healthier eating and not dwelling on it.

Again thanks for these. I'm glad I had them to look back on.

See ya tomorrow night!
